Sunday, April 22, 2007

You Got That Attitude

The first part of this past week was not a good time to be Dustin. But come Friday, it was all aces and it was a great day to be Dustin. Things ended up working out and I'm paid up through June and am in no danger of getting evicted any time soon, which is very reassuring. Some people get anxious or frustrated over insignificant type shit, and while I've been guilty of it in the past I try not to as best I can. But my greatest fear is probably not being able to fend for myself, and considering my position a few days ago, I felt more helpless than I ever had and it's the worst feeling in the world. But things worked out in the end, so on to better and brighter things.

Friday I went with Ryan and Theresa to Maumee to see Hot Fuzz and it was pretty fucking good. Later that evening was Prom 2k7 where I proceeded to get too fucked up to dance, so instead I just sang the wrong words to Billy Joel songs and pissed on things.

The Film Fest went pretty well this past weekend, my only regret is that we had so few filmmakers show up to speak for their works that were screened. Our guest, Toledo filmmaker Tom Hofbauer, was an all around great guy and his lecture was really informative. We had some pretty good talks over the course of the weekend, and like I said, just a cool dude.

Also, One Nation Under is dead...We're officially Ghosts In The Fight as of our show last night. We played a house party at Steve 's (Drummer Steve) apartment last night to a packed room and it went pretty good considering I was slightly drunk (although this choad before us did a poetry slam deal and took nearly 20 minutes to fucking soundcheck for a didjeridoo and bongoes). I like to think it was because we kicked ass (but probably because the room was drunk), but an encore was requested and then an encore after the encore which we unfortunately couldn't do due to time constraints. I then cut back to Howard's to hang out with Corey and a couple of his homeboys from Cow-Town who are really cool dudes.

In light of the last couple of days, I realize that I have some of the best friends anyone could really ask for. Also, Brendan may be moving in with me in the fall and if that happens it'll pretty much be the coolest thing ever.

"Don't care what they may say, we got that attitude. Don't care what they may do, we got that attitude. Hey, we got that PMA."

1 comment:

_Theresa said...

Good to know things picked up. See 24 hours after Dustin's no good very bad day everything got worked out