Saturday, April 28, 2007

Let Me Take This Awkward Saw

Last night was damn good times (mostly). I've learned the following, however.

*People should not come to my parties looking for drugs. Srsly, wtf?
*Randos are teh suxxorz.
*The only good hippie is a dead hippie.
*Dudes need to not hit on my dude friends unless my dude friends are into dudes.
*Less talk, more rock. Less drinking, more dancing.
*I've recanted my fealty to the King.
*My friends are the shit.

2k7=2 Fast, 2 Furious.

"Heart is on the floor! Why don't you step on it?"

EDIT: No more parties at the FratCave.

1 comment:

Corey Whompus said...

how about some new post action!?