Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You Tell Me That I Make No Difference...

I have not been the greatest at keeping these things updated, and I think it has less to do with what's going on in my life (because surprisingly while things seem boring on the surface, there's a whole bunch of cool stuff happening in my life) and more to do with the fact that out of like twenty plus people I could count on having new blogs and musings up to read while I worked on my own, that twenty plus is down to a consistent two or three. It's a lot more interesting to post new stuff when you still know people are alive on teh interwebz. But I digress...

The New Year has been good to me thus far. I quit Kroger's after deciding I was sick of being exploited since I couldn't be unionized until early February and having to work double the shift times I was scheduled for. So one night while kicking it with Sarah, Zach and John I decided "You know what? I don't wanna go back to Kroger's. I'd rather sit here and keep talking about horror movies and comic books." and the rest was history. I'm a lot happier since I quit and I'm also a lot less likely to perform poorly academically as a result of a weekly 20 hours of sleep.

Academically speaking, classes aren't too bad so far. I'm in Film Comedies where we watch film comedies, Geology of Dinosaurs where we learn about the geology of dinosaurs, Society, Culture & Rock n' Roll where we talk about society, culture & rock n' roll (and it counts as a history requirement), History of Film where we talk about films (historically speaking) and Digital Filmmaking & Technology where we make films digitally...with technology.

After getting an in with a friend who works at the BG News, I'm applying to be a writer for the Forum section (since, unfortunately the Not News section which recently featured nothing but humorless humor pieces has been discontinued for not being funny anymore) so I have to submit a writing sample sometime this week and hopefully they'll like it. The parameters seem pretty broad, so I'm hoping I can talk about things like the threat of zombie epidemics and sentient technology insurrections instead of borin' old politics, but it's hard to say and I might be hoping for too much with that, but I'll find out soon.

My girlfriend Sarah=The greatest thing in my life right now, and I'll leave it at that so as not to annoy all four readers of this blog with my constant praise of her.

I might get to see my best friend next week, and I'm excited for that because it's been far too long.

I'm slowly piecing together the initial scripts for The Bouncer series and I Am Legend:The Dustin Meadows! Chronicles and me and my friends are very excited to begin work on those.

This July will see me finally bid farewell to The FratCave and hopefully moving into The Enclave with Zach, Travis and John, a residence which we have already begun affectionately referring to as The House That X Built and I'm excited to finally not be living on my own for a change.

In movies that I didn't make news, Sweeney Todd was boring and sucked, First Sunday needed more Wu-Tang Clan references and Cloverfield was fucking amazing and is already in my bid for top ten movies of the year as decided by me. Tomorrow night I'm going with Travis and Zach to see Rambo and I'm pretty excited for that, then this weekend to see Meet The Spartans...The fact that I can see shitty movies I would otherwise never see for $2 will continue to amaze me. I will probably miss $2 movies at the Small the most when I finally do graduate from Bowling Green.

In post-graduation plan news, nothing is set in stone yet but I'm already feeling less worried about life after college if everything goes according to plan.

" least I'm fucking trying! What the fuck have you done?"


emily said...

Thank you for sparing us.

emily said...

I think you should update your blog.