Wednesday, February 21, 2007

No, These Are Not Bionic.

Firstly-I got a lead for Experimental Film! Booyakasha!

Secondly-The movie Ghost Rider sucks...Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because if they do they're not your friend and clearly want bad things to happen to you.

Thirdly-The movie I did for UFO's 48 Hours Project last semester is finally up. Click this noise to check it out.

Last night was kind of a depressing moment in UFO, at least for me. We had something like eight or nine people show, counting officers. Our faculty advisor, Daniel (Professor Williams if you're nasty) made his first visit and it was kind of embarrassing to have him show up at a meeting with such low turnout. He stuck around afterwards and Peter, Steve and I talked with him for a good twenty minutes or so. It was nice to vent about my contempt of certain other individuals in the "filmmaking community" and the disgusting amount of apathy in the so-called "student filmmaking community" and actually have an authoritative figure who understood where I was coming from for a change. We're still trying to pull stuff together for the film festival, but hopefully it'll come together somehow.

The following things own me for the rest of the semester-My band, VideoBank, UFO, my friend's projects, Experimental Film and my girlfriend...Actually, strike the last one. That's a lie.

Also, I'm officially getting by on a steady regiment of energy drinks and Marlboro Reds...Life is good.