This is a sketch I did about two weeks ago of Sonic the Hedgehog. Considering I did it in roughly five minutes I'm fairly happy with how it turned out, but I'll be taking another crack at a couple more Sonic sketches to try to get it down the left arm really bugs me.
This is a sketch I did of my friend Cory from work about two months ago. I'm happy with the overall form, but the inking could've been better and I went with the colors seen because I couldn't remember what the hell color clothes he was wearing and green and gray? Eww. I didn't touch the hair because there were too many pencil lines left over when I scanned this one in.
This is a caricature I did of myself a month or so back based on a South Park style characterization of myself. I'm actually pretty content with the facial expression, I think it sums up my general discontentment with red guitars quite well.
I also did this sketch about a month or so ago, and out of all that I've done this is probably the one that I'm happiest with it. It's a quick sketch I did of the Punisher inspired by Steve Dillon's artwork on the Marvel Knights series. I think my only gripe with this one is that the eyes are a bit awkward but I'm really pleased with the shading on the facial features.
I penciled and inked all of these by hand, then scanned them into my PC and colored them using Macromedia Fireworks MX. For the next batch I'm going to use Adobe Illustrator and see which one I prefer. The big problem with these sketches (that are easily noticeable if you look at them for more than a moment) is that after the inking stage of the sketches I forgot to go back over and erase all of the pencil lines, hence the very minute areas that are devoid of any colors as well as the faint traces around the outer areas of the sketches. I also need to avoid shading any areas when I ink (some of the shaded areas, noticeably on the Punisher's hair, were shaded by my trusty inking pen and my pencil, which created some difficulty when attempting to shade with the Fireworks software) so I can see how the shading is defined with the software I use. Any and all criticisms, feedback, et cetera are more than welcome regarding my budding artistry.
In other news, I have a new band. We've been practicing for about the past week or so and we have our first show coming up next Thursday (November 30) here in Bowling Green at Howard's Club H for the University Film Organization Fund Raiser show. We're called One Nation Under and we sound about like Running For President did right before that band was dissolved except now we actually have lead guitar parts and solos from time to time. It's $5 at the door and if you're not doing anything, you should definitely come, it looks to be a fun time and I'm pretty excited to finally be playing music again. It would pretty much mean the world to me if you were able to make it to this you should do it.
In other other news, I'll be home tomorrow night for Thanksgiving break. Later days.
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